All things

Our team has carefully curated this selection of articles on all things weight.

Semaglutide, a medication for weight loss and blood sugar control, might also help people quit smoking. It works by affecting appetite and dopamine levels, potentially reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.  While not a guaranteed solution, it may be a useful tool alongside traditional quit-smoking methods like nicotine replacement therapy.  More research is needed, but semaglutide […]

Semaglutide, a medication for weight loss and blood sugar control, might also help people quit smoking. It works by affecting appetite and

Extreme climatic conditions impacts health, emphasising the importance of dietary habits in mitigating health risks is crucial. Various weather-related challenges such as

Forget perfect looks! True beauty shines from within, and cosmetic treatments are just tools, not the goal. They can: Remember, it’s YOUR

Various aspects of why food is crucial to a child’s health are discussed, including growth and development, energy, immune function, cognitive function,

Fitness for beginners – Remember, consistency is key to long-term success. Keep moving, and you’ll reach your goals! Original article posted here:

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder causing overproduction of male sex hormones in women, leading to symptoms like irregular periods, excess

Hypogonadism, Cushing’s syndrome, Acromegaly, and Prolactinoma are the four main endocrine disorders causing weight gain in men of all ages. Melatonin can

Improving sleep hygiene is essential for better rest and overall health. Signs of poor sleep hygiene include difficulty falling asleep and daytime

Let’s celebrate “Hot Chocolate Day” with a cosy mug of indulgent hot chocolate! As you enjoy its warmth, let me share its

Childhood obesity, a major health concern, results from factors like high-calorie diets and lack of physical activity. It leads to various health