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Investigate the latest scientific developments in the field of weight management.

Semaglutide, Tirzepatide, and Liraglutide work similarly by mimicking hormones that regulate appetite and gut function.  All require a prescription and have similar side effects which manifest as digestive issues.  These medications can be expensive and should be used with a doctor’s supervision and a healthy lifestyle plan.  They are not a magic bullet, and weight […]

Common sexual problems faced by men are Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Premature Ejaculation (PE), and Low Libido (LL). It delves into the physical,

The long-term complications of adolescent pregnancy can impact both the mother and child. It goes beyond just listing the risks and looks

Foodborne agents like bacteria and viruses can wreak havoc. Symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and cramps signal foodborne foes. Salmonella, E. coli, and

Balanced hormones are crucial for women’s health, impacting mood, sleep, metabolism, and more. Imbalances can cause weight changes, fatigue, mood swings, and

Forget perfect looks! True beauty shines from within, and cosmetic treatments are just tools, not the goal. They can: Remember, it’s YOUR

Hypogonadism, Cushing’s syndrome, Acromegaly, and Prolactinoma are the four main endocrine disorders causing weight gain in men of all ages. Melatonin can

Improving sleep hygiene is essential for better rest and overall health. Signs of poor sleep hygiene include difficulty falling asleep and daytime

Childhood obesity, a major health concern, results from factors like high-calorie diets and lack of physical activity. It leads to various health

This article discusses Orthorexia Nervosa (ON), a pathological obsession with “healthy” or “clean” eating, which is not officially recognised as an eating